A Tour of C++
A World Without Email
Atomic Habits
Being Mortal
Between the World and Me
Black Swan
Born a Crime
Category Theory for Programmers
Clean Code
Clean Ruby
Clever Girl Finance
Compiling to Assembly from Scratch
Compiling to Assembly from Scratch
Crafting Interpreters
Crossing the Chasm
Deep Work
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
Designing Data Intensive Applications
Effective Typescript
Efficient MySQL Performance
Four Thousand Weeks
Game Programming Patterns
Haskell From First Principles
High Performance Browser Networking
High Performance MySQL
How Linux Works
How to Solve it
Inside the Tornado
Learn you a Haskell for Great Good
Long Walk to Freedom
Man’s Search for Meaning
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
Probabilistic Data Structures and Algorithms for Big Data Applications
Purely Functional Data Structures
Radical Candor
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
Real World OCaml
Real-World Cryptography
Rust for Rustaceans
SQL Performance Explained
So Good They Can’t Ignore You
Structure and Intepretation of Computer Programs
System Design Interview - an Insider’s Guide
Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The Art of PostgreSQL
The Art of War
The Bitcoin Standard
The Broke Milennial
The C Programming Language
The Choice
The Daily Stoic
The DynamoDB Book
The Innovator’s Dilemma
The Linux Programming Interface
The Little Book of Semaphores
The Little MLer
The Mythical Man Month
The New Economics
The Psychology of Money
The Rust Programming Language
Things Fall Apart
Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook
Zero To One
Effective Rust
The Art of Multiprocessor Programming
Database Internals
Algorithms by Jeff Erickson
Randomized Algorithms
Programming Clojure
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach
System Design Interview: An Insiders guide Volume 2
Kill it with Fire
Introduction to Probability for Computing
The Algorithm Design Manual
Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach
Introduction to Probability
Database Design and Implementation
The Anatomy of a High Performance Microprocessor
Understanding Software Dynamics
Postgres Internals