Give behavior the flexibility of data by encoding it as instructions for a virtual machine
Making games requires a lot of flexibility: we need a language like C++ that has high performance and a good type system to corral bugs. C++ also takes a long time to compile, which requires constant iteration, but we don’t want to recompile every time. What do we do?
Let’s make a magic-based fighting game. A pair of wizards sling spells at each other until there is only one left.
If a game designer wants to tweak some part of the game, if we hard code the spells into the source code, it’ll always take a compile to make any changes and test them out.
Also, if we want to support modding, we need some way to allow adding spells. If we hard code all spells into the binary, we need to release our source code and allow them to play with the source code.
We want people to be able to extend the behavior of the game by extending data. Let’s use files for that and contrast that with the Interpreter pattern from the GoF.
Let’s discuss how to implement and execute the interpreter pattern.
Create an expression class:
class Expression {
virtual ~Expression() {}
virtual double evaluate() = 0;
Then we define a class that implements this interface for numbers.
class NumberExpression : public Expression {
(double value) : value_(value) {}
virtual double evaluate() { return value_; }
double value_;
For Addition:
class AdditionExpression : public Expression {
(Expression* left, Expression* right) : left_(left), right_(right) {}
AdditionExpressvirtual double evaluate {
double left = left_->evaluate();
double right = right_->evaluate();
return left + right;
* left_;
Expression* right_;
This is beautiful and simple, but it uses a lot of pointers:
This is too slow and memory intensive.
Consider a binary from C++.
We can’t do the same thing, but we can add a VM to our code to run code on the fly.
An instruction set defines the low-level operations that can be performed. A series of instructions is encoded as a sequence of bytes. A virtual machine executes these instructions one at a time, using a stack for intermediate values. This allows us to define complex high-level behavior.
Bytecode is slower than native code, so it comes with a performance penalty. Use this if you want to avoid compile times and need flexibility at runtime.
DSLs and the like have a tendency to grow like vines. Try your best to keep it small, or rearchitect it when needed.
You’ll need to find some way to generate this bytecode that this pattern interprets.
You’ll need to build a debugger for your language since otherwise there’ll be no way to debug it, which will delay you from shipping your code.
This’ll be fairly simple: create an instruction set for the VM.
Let’s start out with an API for a wizard.
void setHealth(int wizard, int amount);
void setWisdom(int wizard, int amount);
void setAgility(int wizard, int amount);
And then actually doing things:
void playSound(int soundId);
void spawnParticles(int particleType);
Let’s make an enumeration for each instruction.
enum class Instruction : unsigned char {
= 0x00,
SET_HEALTH = 0x01,
SET_WISDOM = 0x02,
Let’s create a way to execute these instructions:
switch (instruction) {
case Instruction::SET_HEALTH:
(0, 100);
case Instruction::SET_WISDOM:
(0, 100);
case Instruction::SET_AGILITY:
(0, 100);
case Instruction::PLAY_SOUND:
case Instruction::SPAWN_PARTICLES:
And let’s make a class that represents the VM.
class VM {
void interpret(char bytecode[], int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
char instruction = bytecode[i];
switch (instruction) {
// Cases for each instruction...
To execute a nested expression, you’ll have to create a stack that keeps track of the state and function pointers here.
class VM {
() : stackSize_(0) {}
// Other stuff...
static const int MAX_STACK = 128;
int stackSize_;
int stack_[MAX_STACK];
The VM needs some methods to push and pop off the stack:
class VM {
void push(int value) {
// Check for stack overflow.
assert(stackSize_ < MAX_STACK);
stack_[stackSize_++] = value;
int pop() {
// Make sure the stack isn't empty.
assert(stackSize_ > 0);
return stack_[--stackSize_];
// Other stuff...
When an instruction needs to receive parameters, it pops them off the stack and applies the instruction.
switch (instruction) {
case Instruction::SET_HEALTH: {
int amount = pop();
int wizard = pop();
(wizard, amount);
case Instruction::SET_WISDOM:
case Instruction::SET_AGILITY:
// Same as above...
case Instruction::PLAY_SOUND:
case Instruction::SPAWN_PARTICLES:
We also need an instruction that is a literal, which lets us pass values.
case Instruction::LITERAL {
int value = bytecode[++i]; // read the next byte from bytecode
This is good enough to define basic behavior, but we can’t compose any behavior.
We need a way to create expressions that combine different values in interesting ways.
We need a way to get health and be able to manipulate it.
case Instruction::GET_HEALTH: {
int wizard = pop();
This way, we can read the value of the wizard and then return it back to the stack.
We’ll need addition though, to be able to use the getters and setters correctly.
case Instruction::ADD {
int b = pop();
int a = pop();
(a + b);
Let’s say we wanted to do something like this:
setHealth(0, getHealth(0) +
(getAgility(0) + getWisdom(0)) / 2);
That would translate to these instructions:
0 [0] # Wizard index
LITERAL 0 [0, 0] # Wizard index
LITERAL [0, 45] # getHealth()
GET_HEALTH 0 [0, 45, 0] # Wizard index
LITERAL [0, 45, 7] # getAgility()
GET_AGILITY 0 [0, 45, 7, 0] # Wizard index
LITERAL [0, 45, 7, 11] # getWisdom()
GET_WISDOM [0, 45, 18] # Add agility and wisdom
ADD 2 [0, 45, 18, 2] # Divisor
LITERAL [0, 45, 9] # Average agility and wisdom
DIVIDE [0, 54] # Add average to current health
ADD [] # Set health to result SET_HEALTH
We use pushes and pops to get what we need.
This virtual machine is safe (since it’s sandboxed, it can’t reach into other parts of the code and cause security vulnerabilities. We also saw that it’s as easy as implementing a stack and popping and pushing off of it.
We saw that it was easy to interpret the code, but we haven’t generated the bytecode. We can use tools like lex or yacc to do this, but that’s for another time.
Stack based VMs can only push and pop from the top of the stack. They can’t read any other state. Register based VMs can dig into a specific register (location) and read the content of the instruction from there.
With a stack-based VM:
With a register-based VM:
A single datatype:
A tagged variant:
enum class ValueType {
struct Value {
ValueType typeunion {
int intVal;
double doubleVal;
char* stringVal;
Values know their type
It takes more memory
An untagged union:
If we can stick with a single data type, do so. Otherwise, tagged unions are good.
A text based language
A graphical authoring tool
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