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Dirty Flag


Avoid unnecessary work by deferring it until the result is needed.


We want to defer an expensive calculation until it’s necessary.

Imagine a scene graph in a game. This represents the world, and contains all objects in said world. The rendering engine uses this to determine where to draw stuff on the screen.

A scene graph is a flat list of objects. Each object has a model, and a transform. The transform describes the object’s position, rotation, and scale in the world. To move or turn an object, we simply change its transform.

This would be simple, but some objects are anchored to other objects. Imagine this example: A parrot rests on a pirate’s shoulder, and the pirate is in the crow’s nest of a ship. If the ship moves, all objects anchored to it should move too. This prevents us from independently moving each object when the ship moves (which is tedious and error prone).

Local and world transforms

To calculate an object’s world transform, you just walk its parent chain starting at the root all the way down to the object, combining transforms as you go.

Basically, the parrot’s world transform is:

parrot = ship x nest x pirate x parrot

We could calculate every object’s position every frame, but most objects don’t move every frame, so this is a waste of CPU. Let’s cache it.

Cached world transforms

We can cache each object. We store its local transform and its derived world transform. Great. Now objects that aren’t updated don’t require any updating.

If we calculate an action on the ship, here’s what actually happens:

move ship
  recalc ship
    recalc nest
      recalc pirate
        recalc parrot

move nest
  recalc nest
    recalc pirate
      recalc parrot

move pirate
  recalc pirate
    recalc parrot

move parrot
  recalc parrot

This takes us polynomial time to update! This is way too slow.

Deferred calculation

Let’s decouple local transforms from the world transforms.

Let’s add a flag to each object in the graph. When the local transform changes, we set it. When we need the object’s world transform, we check the flag. If it’s set, we calculate the world transformation and clear the flag. That way, when it comes time, we can calculate everything once in a batch, instead of independently.

With this pattern, the game does this:

-> Move Ship
-> Move Nest
-> Move Pirate
-> Move Parrot

  Recalc Ship
    Recalc Nest
      Recalc Pirate
        Recalc Parrot

With a single bit of data, we get these three benefits:

The Pattern

A set of primary data changes over time. A set of derived data is determined from this using some expensive process. A “dirty” flag tracks when the derived data is out of sync with the primary data. It is set when the primary data changes. If the flag is set when the derived data is needed, then it is reprocessed and the flag is cleared. Otherwise, the previous cached derived data is used.

When to Use It


Keep in Mind

If we recalculate just before we need it, if the operation fails or takes too long, we’ll have a visible pause for the user.

Editors auto-save in the background to combat this.

This is basically a GC problem. Refcounting frees memory when it’s no longer needed, but burns CPU time updating ref counts eagerly every time the refcount changes.

Simple garbage collectors defer reclaiming memory until it’s really needed.

You have to make sure to set the flag every time the state changes

  • You must always set the flag when it is out of sync with the source data.

You have to keep the previous derived data in memory

  • You have to have some representation of the derived data in memory, since non-updated data uses this pattern.

Sample Code

class Transform {
  static Transform origin();

  Transform combine(Transform& other);

We’ll use combine to get an object’s world transform by combining all the local transforms along it’s parent chain.

Next, let’s sketch out a graph node that represents an object in the scene graph.

class GraphNode {
  GraphNode(Mesh* mesh)
  : mesh_(mesh),

  Transform local_;
  Mesh* mesh_;

  GraphNode* children_[MAX_CHILDREN];
  int numChildren_;

An unoptimized traversal

Let’s start off with a basic traversal for rendering the scene graph

void GraphNode::render(Transform parentWorld) {
  Transform world = local_.combine(parentWorld);

  if (mesh_) renderMesh(mesh_, world);

  for (int i = 0; i < numChildren_; i++) {

Then let’s run the transform:


Let’s get dirty

class GraphNode {
  GraphNode(Mesh* mesh)
  : mesh_(mesh),

  // Other methods...

  Transform world_;
  bool dirty_;
  // Other fields...

Now let’s add two fields, the transform, which calculates the world transform, and dirty, the dirty flag.

Let’s add a method to move the node:

void GraphNode::setTransform(Transform local) {
  local_ = local;
  dirty_ = true;

And edit the render method:

void GraphNode::render(Transform parentWorld, bool dirty)
  dirty |= dirty_;
  if (dirty) {
    world_ = local_.combine(parentWorld);
    dirty_ = false;

  if (mesh_) renderMesh(mesh_, world_);

  for (int i = 0; i < numChildren_; i++) {
    children_[i]->render(world_, dirty);

This render takes the parentWorld, and a dirty bool. If either are dirty, we do a recalculation, and set the dirty flag to false. We render the mesh, and then update all of our children exactly once.

Design Decisions

When is the dirty flag cleaned?


  1. It avoids calculation entirely if the result is never used.


  1. If the calculation is time-consuming, it can cause a noticeable pause.


  1. Doing the work doesn’t impact the user experience


  1. You lose control over when the work happens.


  1. You can tune how often the work is performed


  1. You can do more redundant work.
  2. You need support for asynchronous work.

How fine-grained is your dirty tracking?

  • Fine grained:
  1. You only process data when it changes
  • Coarse grained:
  1. You end up processing unchanged data.
  2. Less memory is used for storing dirty flags.
  3. Less time is spent on fixed overhead.

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