Concurrent Objects

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Concurrent Objects

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Concurrency and correctness

To learn more about correctness, lets start off with a lock based queue which acquires a lock:

class LockBasedQueue<T> {
  int head, tail;
  T[] items;
  public LockBasedQueue(int capacity) {
    head = 0; tail = 0;
    items = (T[]) new Object[capacity];

  public synchronized void enq(T x) throws FullException {
    if (tail - head == items.length) {
      throw new FullException();
    items[tail % items.length] = x;

  public synchronized T deq() throws EmptyException {
    if (tail == head) {
      throw new EmptyException();
    T x = items[head % items.length];
    return x;

Since both enq and deq are synchronized, all calls to the queue must operate sequentially, and is this correct.

However, since both enq and deq use the same lock, this is not that performant. A better implementation would use fewer locks.

To do so, imagine a non-synchronized queue (Wait Free):

Since there is no need for the lock to coordinate access, this is still correct, but only if there is one enqueuer or dequeuer.

class LockBasedQueue<T> {
  int head, tail;
  T[] items;
  public LockBasedQueue(int capacity) {
    head = 0; tail = 0;
    items = (T[]) new Object[capacity];

  public void enq(T x) throws FullException {
    if (tail - head == items.length) {
      throw new FullException();
    items[tail % items.length] = x;

  public T deq() throws EmptyException {
    if (tail == head) {
      throw new EmptyException();
    T x = items[head % items.length];
    return x;

Sequential objects

In an object used sequentially, it can be described with a precondition and a postcondition, where the object that is in X state is mutated to one in Y state after a certain method call.

In a multi-threaded world, however, there are no certain pre and post conditions – an object may always have an in-progress call.

Sequential Consistency

We can try to look at concurrent objects the same way we look at sequential objects. To do this, split up a concurrent call into two parts, its invocation and its response. A method that has been called on a concurrent object but has not returned is considered pending.

To make concurrent objects easy to understand, method calls should be:

  1. Appear to happen one-at-a-time in sequential order.
  2. Executed in First-Come-First-Served order.
  3. Method calls should appear to take effect in program order.

These constraints define sequential consistency, which is easier to understand.

Sequential consistency versus real-time order

Imagine the case where thread A enqueues X, later on thread B enqueues y, and A dequeues y. This is inconsistent with the real-time order (X should be dequeued), but it doesn’t always occur.

Sequential consistency is nonblocking

To be sequentially consistent, an object must immediately respond to an invocation, otherwise it blocks other objects.


Unfortunately, sequential consistency is not compositional. If you have two concurrent queues, is the system (both queues) concurrent? No.


Since sequential consistency is not compositional, we need a stronger constraint:

This elevates sequential consistency to linearizability.

Linearization points

If a method mutates state at one point, that is called its linearization point.

Linearizability versus sequential consistency

Linearizability is nonblocking, but compositional. It’s thus better for describing larger systems.

Quiescent Consistency

To trade off consistency for performance, there’s also quiescent consistency. If an object has no pending method calls, it can be totally ordered, otherwise, there is no guarantee that method calls take effect in their real-time order.

Memory consistency models

Code can be affected by the memory consistency models of the hardware and language. Java and C++ have a memory order on architectures they run on, which provide keywords to prohibit reordering of operations by compilers and hardware.

Progress conditions


A method is wait-free if every call finishes its execution in a finite number of steps. A lock based queue is not wait-free because enqueueing or dequeuing could be infinitely blocked by the other operation.


A weaker progress condition is lock-freedom, where at least some threads terminate in a finite number of steps.


A method is obstruction free if no other thread obstructs it – i.e. it finishes in a bounded number of steps if no other threads block it.

Blocking progress conditions

A method is starvation-free if it completes in a finite number of steps provided that every thread with a pending method call keeps taking steps.

Characterizing progress conditions

Independent, Nonblocking dependent, nonblocking dependent, blocking
maximal progress Wait-free Obstruction-free Starvation-free
minimal progress Lock-free Deadlock-free

Prev: mutual-exclusion Next: foundations-of-shared-memory