
Table of Contents

Query Language”

Structured Query Language

Next: software-architecture

We first begin by loading in some data:

This loads in a csv file as a table called factbook.csv which is a tab delimited dataset of Year, date, shares, trades, dollars. We cast this from a text type into a bigint by replacing the dollar sign and commas and replacing it with an int.


create table factbook
    year int,
    date date,
    shares text,
    trades text,
    dollars text

copy factbook from 'factbook.csv' with delimiter E't' null ''

alter table factbook
    alter shares
    type bigint
    using replace(shares, ',', '')::bigint,

    alter trades
    type bigint
    using replace(trades, ',', '')::bigint,

    alter dollars
    type bigint
    using substring(replace(dollars, ',', '')) from 2)::numeric;


Application Code and sql

We can try and find all trades that happened in February 2017 like so:

select date,
    to_char(shares, '99G999G999G999') as shares,
    to_char(trades, '99G999G999') as trades,
    to_char(dollars, 'L99G999G999G999') as dollars
    from factbook
   where date >= date :'start'
     and date < date :'start' + interval '1month'
order by date;

We might want to create a function that can do this for us, but we have to be wary of SQL injection.

We can create “prepared statements” which will do that for us:

prepare query as
    select date, shares, trades, dollars
    from factbook
    where date >= $1::date
    and date < $1::date + interval '1month'
    order by date;

And we can execute it like so:

execute query('2010-02-01');

We can create a chart that shows all trades on a the month:

select cast(calendar.entry as date) as date,
coalesce(shares, 0) as shares,
coalesce(trades, 0) as trades,
    coalesce(dollars, 0),
) as dollars
        date :'start',
        date :'start' + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day',
        interval '1 day'
    as calendar(entry)
    left join factbook
        on = calendar.entry
order by date;

Let’s say we want to count week on week growth:

We can use a window function:

prepare foo as
 select date, shares, trades, dollars
   from factbook
  where date >= $1::date
    and date  < $1::date + interval '1 month'
  order by date;
execute foo('2010-02-01');
  select cast(calendar.entry as date) as date,
         coalesce(shares, 0) as shares,
         coalesce(trades, 0) as trades,
             coalesce(dollars, 0),
         ) as dollars
    from /*
          * Generate the target month's calendar then LEFT JOIN
          * each day against the factbook dataset, so as to have
          * every day in the result set, whether or not we have a
          * book entry for the day.
         generate_series(date :'start',
                         date :'start' + interval '1 month'
                                       - interval '1 day',
                         interval '1 day'
         as calendar(entry)
         left join factbook
                on = calendar.entry
order by date;
with computed_data as
  select cast(date as date)   as date,
         to_char(date, 'Dy')  as day,
         coalesce(dollars, 0) as dollars,
         lag(dollars, 1)
             partition by extract('isodow' from date)
                 order by date
         as last_week_dollars
    from /*
          * Generate the month calendar, plus a week before
          * so that we have values to compare dollars against
          * even for the first week of the month.
         generate_series(date :'start' - interval '1 week',
                         date :'start' + interval '1 month'
                                       - interval '1 day',
                         interval '1 day'
         as calendar(date)
         left join factbook using(date)
  select date, day,
             coalesce(dollars, 0),
         ) as dollars,
         case when dollars is not null
               and dollars <> 0
              then round(  100.0
                         * (dollars - last_week_dollars)
                         / dollars
                       , 2)
         as "WoW %"
    from computed_data
   where date >= date :'start'
order by date;

Next: software-architecture