Table of Contents
Algorithms For Big Data
Algorithms For Big Data
Alons Jl Lower Bound Beyond Worst Case Analysis Suprema Of Gaussian Processes Gordons Theorem
Amnesic Dynamic Programming Approximate Distance To Monotonicity
Analysis Of ℓp Estimation Algorithm Via Max Stability Deterministic Point Query Via Incoherent Matrices
Approximate Matrix Multiplication With Frobenius Error Via Sampling Jl Matrix Median Trick Subspace Embeddings
Communication Complexity Indexing Gap Hamming Application To Median And F0 Lower Bounds
Competitive Paging Cache Oblivious Algorithms Matrix Multiplication Self Organizing Linked List Static B Tree Lazy Funnelsort
Countmin Sketch Point Query Heavy Hitters Sparse Approximation
Countsketch ℓ0 Sampling Graph Sketching
Distinct Elements K Wise Independence Geometric Subsampling Of Streams
External Memory Model Linked List Matrix Multiplication B Tree Buffered Repository Tree Sorting
Khintchine Decoupling Hanson Wright Proof Of Distributional Jl Lemma
Krahmer Ward Proof Iterative Hard Thresholding
L1 L1 Recovery Rip1 Unbalanced Expanders Sequential Sparse Matching Pursuit
Linear Least Squares Via Subspace Embeddings Leverage Score Sampling Non Commutative Khintchine Oblivious Subspace Embeddings
Logistics Course Topics Basic Tail Bounds Markov Chebyshev Chernoff Bernstein Morris Algorithm
Low Rank Approximation Column Based Matrix Reconstruction K Means Compressed Sensing
Mapreduce Terasort Minimum Spanning Tree Triangle Counting
Matrix Completion
Necessity Of Randomizedapproximate Guarantees Linear Sketching Ams Sketch P Stable Sketch 0P2
Oblivious Subspace Embeddings Faster Iterative Regression Sketch And Solve Regression
Ors Theorem Distributional Jl Implies Gordons Theorem Sparse Jl
P Stable Sketch Analysis Nisans Prg High ℓp Norms P2 Via Max Stability
Randomized And Approximate F0 Lower Bounds Disjointness Fp Lower Bound Dimensionality Reduction Jl Lemma
Rip And Connection To Incoherence Basis Pursuit Krahmer Ward Theorem
Sparse Jl Proof Wrap Up Fast Jl Transform Approximate Nearest Neighbor
_Algorithms For Big Data