The spaceship operator overloads all relation and equality operators for a class. It is a new feature in C++20:
#include <iostream>
#include <compare>
using namespace std;
class Value {
long id;
constexpr Value(long i) noexcept : id{i} { }
auto operator<=> (const Value& rhs) const = default;
int main() {
= {5};
Value v1 = {10};
Value v2
<< (v1 == v2) << '\n'; // 0
cout << (v1 != v2) << '\n'; // 1
cout << (v1 < v2) << '\n'; // 1
cout << (v1 <= v2) << '\n'; // 1
cout << (v1 > v2) << '\n'; // 0
cout << (v1 >= v2) << '\n'; // 0
cout }