Table of Contents

Design a Messaging Service


  1. 1:1 conversations between users
  2. The service should keep persistent storage of chat history.

Performance Requirements

  1. Must be real time, so be fast.
  2. System should be consistent – users should never see the wrong message/messages that haven’t been sent.
  3. System should be available, but prefer consistency over availability always, since showing the wrong message can cause disasters.
  4. System must be linearizable. If operations are not ordered properly, there can also be lots of damage done (e.g. blocking someone then trash talking them causes problems if the operations are reordered.)

Capacity estimation

500 million daily active users. Each user sends 40 messages daily.

20B messages per day.

A message is 100 bytes. So per day, we need 2TB of storage.

For about 5 years of chat history, we’d need 3.5 PB of storage.

This costs us about 25MB of incoming data per second upstream and downstream (2TB / 86400)

(We can always compress and decompress data. Given textual data, assume a 2-4x compression rate, so we can support 6MB-25MB up and downstream).

Can we archive some of this data/hold it in non-hot storage?

What is the cost of this?

1GB/Month costs about 1 cent for Disk. 1GB/Month costs about 10 cents for SSD. 1GB/Month costs about $1 for RAM storage.

About 5M a month to store all in RAM.

Data Schema

How do we guarantee linearizability and stronger consistency? What should we do when certain nodes aren’t reachable?

Use pagination. For range queries. Limit/Offset related stuff doesn’t work.

Message Handling

  1. Pull/Push. Should the user poll the server, and ask for new messages periodically, or should they keep a bidirectional socket open with the server for new messages?

Maintaining Consistency

Storing and retrieving messages from the database

Data Partitioning