Specialized storage Paradigms
- BLOB store ex:(GG, S3)
- stands for: Binary large object,
- arbitrary pieces of unstructured data
- video, images, other files.
- access by file id.
- Time series Database (Influx DB, Prometheus)
- optimized for storing and analyzing time-indexed data,
- Popular for logging.
- Graph DBS (Neo 4J)
- data is stored in graphs which are related to each other by
- uses the Cypher querying language. × spatial DB (Pos-1615)
- Spatial DBs
used to store spatial data (coordinates)
spatial DBs tend to use Quad Trees for indicies Quad tree (either
0 or 4 nodes)
the grid is split into four recursively this keeps going until
you enter a leaf node with 0 children.
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