
Table of Contents



You can set the urls you want it to parse in $HOME/.newsboat/urls

Newsboat is an RSS reader. I set it up to have vim keybinds using this config file (in $HOME/.newsboat/config)


# -- feeds ---------------------------------------------------------------------

auto-reload yes
reload-time 120
reload-threads 4
download-retries 4
download-timeout 10
prepopulate-query-feeds yes

# -- display -------------------------------------------------------------------

show-read-feeds no
feed-sort-order unreadarticlecount-asc

color info default default reverse
color listnormal_unread yellow default
color listfocus blue default reverse bold
color listfocus_unread blue default reverse bold

text-width 80

# -- navigation ----------------------------------------------------------------

goto-next-feed no

browser "open %u"

bind-key j down feedlist
bind-key k up feedlist
bind-key j next articlelist
bind-key k prev articlelist
bind-key J nex-feed articlelist
bind-key K prev-feed articlelist
bind-key j down article
bind-key k up article

# -- bookmarks -----------------------------------------------------------------

bookmark-cmd ~/.newsbeuter/
bookmark-interactive no
bookmark-autopilot yes

# -- misc ----------------------------------------------------------------------

unbind-key C feedlist
confirm-exit no
cleanup-on-quit no
pager bat