Indexing for High Performance

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Indexing for High Performance

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Indexing Basics

An Index contains values from one or more columns in a table.

Types of Indexes


B-tree is the table index in mySQL. It speeds up CRUD operations by making them O(log n) time.

Indexes in MySQL are called key:

So this sql indexes all the values in the People Table.

 last_name varchar(50) not null,
 first_name varchar(50) not null,
 dob date not null,
 key(last_name, first_name, dob)

As well, InnoDB has a feature called adaptive hash indexes, which adds a hash-index on commonly accessed B-Tree tuples.

Types of queries that can use a B-tree index

  • Full Value
  • Leftmost prefix
  • Column Prefix
  • Range of Values
  • One part and a range on others

The Order of the indexing is important, because MySQL accesses indexes from left to right. In the above sql, we index by last name, so searching for dob is less useful than filtering on last_name.

Full-text Indexes

Full Text indexes are used like search engines, except they use MATCH AGAINST instead of WHERE for parameter matching.`

Benefits of Indexes

Indexes hold data in sorted order, which helps the server reduce the amount of data to go through, and helps the server avoid sorting and temporary tables.

Indexing Strategies for High Performance

Prefix Indexes and Index Selectivity

Space can be saved by only indexing the beginning (the left hand side) of a key instead of the whole key.

More unique indexes are higher in index selectivity, which helps in query performance as well.

BLOBs and TEXT columns force this on you by defining prefix indexes.

As well, you should be using EXPLAIN to let the optimizer explain to you why it prefers a specific query plan.

To find a good length for selectivity, you can calculate the selectivity of each column:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT city)/COUNT(*) FROM sakila.city_demo;
|                        0.0312 |

Or for many columns: It seems like 5, 6, 7 are good index lengths for this column.

mysql> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT LEFT(city, 3))/COUNT(*) AS sel3,
    -> COUNT(DISTINCT LEFT(city, 4))/COUNT(*) AS sel4,
    -> COUNT(DISTINCT LEFT(city, 5))/COUNT(*) AS sel5,
    -> COUNT(DISTINCT LEFT(city, 6))/COUNT(*) AS sel6,
    -> COUNT(DISTINCT LEFT(city, 7))/COUNT(*) AS sel7
    -> FROM sakila.city_demo;
| sel3   | sel4   | sel5   | sel6   | sel7   |
| 0.0239 | 0.0293 | 0.0305 | 0.0309 | 0.0310 |

Once we find that 7 is a good value, we can add it to our database:

ALTER TABLE sakila.city_demo ADD KEY (city(7));

Multicolumn Indexes

Individual indexes on lots of columns won’t help MySQL much. That being said, it can do a strategy called index merge where it uses multiple indexes on a single table and merges the results for a query. This speeds up performance but might indicate poor indexes.

If there’s an index merge in EXPLAIN, you can glean the following:

  1. If the server intersects indexes, (usually for AND conditions) you should have a single index with all relevant columns instead of multiple indexes.
  2. When the server unions indexes (usually for OR conditions) the indexes should be more selective.

Choosing a Good Column Order

Since B-Trees sort from the left, a good column is extremely important.

We could try to index based on selectivity:

So in this case, customer_id should come first.

mysql> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT staff_id)/COUNT(*) AS staff_id_selectivity,
    -> COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id)/COUNT(*) AS customer_id_selectivity,
    -> COUNT(*)
    -> FROM payment\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 staff_id_selectivity: 0.0001
 customer_id_selectivity: 0.0373
 COUNT(*): 16049

However, indexes don’t always work:

Take this query:

FROM Message
WHERE (groupId = 10137) AND (userId = 1288826) AND (anonymous = 0)
ORDER BY priority DESC, modifiedDate DESC

Explain shows that this uses an index on (groupId, userId).

id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: Message
 type: ref
 key: ix_groupId_userId
 key_len: 18
 ref: const,const
 rows: 1251162
 Extra: Using where

But in this case, no indexes will help, due to the fact that this query triplet has to scan through almost every row in the table.

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(groupId = 10137),
    -> SUM(userId = 1288826), SUM(anonymous = 0)
    -> FROM Message\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 count(*): 4142217
 sum(groupId = 10137): 4092654
 sum(userId = 1288826): 1288496
 sum(anonymous = 0): 4141934

Clustered Indexes

Clustered indexes store all rows in the index’s leaf pages, with adjacent key values stored close to one another.

There is a limit of one clustered index per table. Covering indexes allow you to emulate multiple clustered indexes, however.

Clustering data has advantages:

  1. Related data is close together.
  2. Data access is fast: the index holds the index and the data.

And disadvantages:

  1. Only gives I/O bound advantages.
  2. Insert speeds depend heavily on insertion order. It might be a good idea to reorganize the table with OPTIMIZE TABLE after loading a lot of data if the data wasn’t loaded in primary key order.
  3. Updating clustered indexes is more expensive than a regular index
  4. If a new row is inserted, a page split might occur, which causes inserts to sometimes be slower and use more space on disk.
  5. Clustered tables are slower for full table scans, especially if not OPTIMIZE TABLEd.
  6. Secondary index accesses require two index lookups instead of one.

InnoDB’s data layout

CREATE TABLE layout_test (
 col1 int NOT NULL,
 col2 int NOT NULL,

For this table, each row contains col1, col2, the transaction id, the primary key (col2) and the rollback pointer InnoDB uses for transactional and MVCC purposes.

inserting rows in Primary key order with InnoDB

It may be a good idea to define a surrogate key, which is a primary key whose value is not derived from the data.

It’s best to avoid random (nonsequential and distributed) clustered keys, especially for I/O-bound workloads. UUIDs are a big offender of this, as they make clustering harder, and indexes perform worse off.

Take this example table which has an unsigned int as primary key:

CREATE TABLE userinfo (
 id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 name varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 email varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 password varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 dob date DEFAULT NULL,
 address varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 city varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 state_id tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 zip varchar(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 country_id smallint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 gender ('M','F')NOT NULL DEFAULT 'M',
 account_type varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 verified tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 allow_mail tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 parrent_account int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 closest_airport varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 UNIQUE KEY email (email),
 KEY country_id (country_id),
 KEY state_id (state_id),
 KEY state_id_2 (state_id,city,address)

Vs. the same table but with a uuid as the primary key.

CREATE TABLE userinfo_uuid (
 uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL,

First, both tables were inserted with a million rows, so the index could fit into memory:

Then, 3 million rows of random data, which wouldn’t fit in memory.

Note how the time to insert the rows for UUID is substantially slower (3x+ when writing to disk) and the index is 70% larger.

Table Rows Time (sec) Index size (MB)
userinfo 1,000,000 137 342
userinfo_uuid 1,000,000 180 544
userinfo 3,000,000 1233 1036
userinfo_uuid 3,000,000 4525 1707

This happens because InnoDB can store the data immediately after the previous insert in case of an AUTO_INCREMENT primary key, but for a UUID key, where the distribution is random, may have to flush pages more often and seek to random places in its in memory buffer to place records.

This can be improved somewhat with OPTIMIZE TABLE, to allow InnoDB to reorder records.

When primary key order is worse

Primary Key order can be worse for high-concurrency workloads, because AUTO_INCREMENT requires taking a lock. It could be possible that removing the auto incrementing public key would be better for performance.

Covering Indexes

When a query is covered by an index, you’ll see Using index in the extra column of explain:

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT store_id, film_id FROM sakila.inventory\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: inventory
 partitions: NULL
 type: index
 possible_keys: NULL
 key: idx_store_id_film_id
 key_len: 3
 ref: NULL
 rows: 4581
 filtered: 100.00
 Extra: Using index

InnoDB indexes by primary key, so even though the index might not normally cover the data, it can be used: In this case, actor_id, the primary key, isn’t indexed, but can be used here:

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT actor_id, last_name
    -> FROM WHERE last_name = 'HOPPER'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: actor
 partitions: NULL
 type: ref
 possible_keys: idx_actor_last_name
 key: idx_actor_last_name
 key_len: 182
 ref: const
 rows: 2
 filtered: 100.00
 Extra: Using index

Using Index Scans for Sorts

MySQL can use indexes for sorting and finding rows. Ordering the results by index works only when the index’s order is exactly the same as the ORDER BY clause, and all columns are sorted in the same direction (ASC or DESC). If not, then MySQL will use a sort.

This can be checked in the type of EXPLAIN:

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT rental_id, staff_id FROM sakila.rental
    -> WHERE rental_date = '2005-05-25'
    -> ORDER BY inventory_id, customer_id\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 type: ref
 possible_keys: rental_date
 key: rental_date
 rows: 1
 Extra: Using where

Indexes can be forced in MySQL, if the optimizer doesn’t do what you want.

Redundant and Duplicate Indexes

Duplicate indexes are indexes of the same type created on the same columns:


This creates 3 Unique indexes on the same key (ID). InnoDB only warns you of duplicate indexes. Remove them if possible.

Redundant Indexes are like the following:

If there’s an index on (A, B), then another index on (A) is redundant, because all lookups will use the index (A, B) anyway.

However, an index on (B, A) or (B) would not be redundant, because B is not a left-most prefix of the index (A, B).

That being said, sometimes redundant indexes are desirable for performance reasons:

REATE TABLE userinfo (
 id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 name varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 email varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 password varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 dob date DEFAULT NULL,
 address varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 city varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 state_id tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 zip varchar(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 country_id smallint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 account_type varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 verified tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 allow_mail tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 parent_account int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 closest_airport varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 UNIQUE KEY email (email),
 KEY country_id (country_id),
 KEY state_id (state_id)

This table shows the QPS of indexing one million rows of the above table and performance for SELECTs. By Indexing both state_id and state_id_2, performance for selecting each row specifically drops a bit with the double index but is mainly negligible.

state_id only state_id_2 only Both state_id and state_id_2
Query 1 108.55 100.33 107.97
Query 2 12.12 28.04 28.0

However, having a bigger index slows insertion speed quite a bit:

state_id only Both state_id and state_id_2
InnoDB, enough memory for both indexes 80 seconds 136 seconds

In MySQL 8.0, there’s a new invisible index feature which will disregard indexes for queries. If you find queries are EXPLAINed the same with or without an index, you can remove it.

Unused Indexes

Some indexes are just plain unused. Get rid of them with performance_schema and `sys.

SELECT * from sys.schema_unused_indexes;
| object_schema | object_name   | index_name                  |
| sakila        | actor         | idx_actor_last_name         |
| sakila        | address       | idx_fk_city_id              |
| sakila        | address       | idx_location                |
| sakila        | payment       | fk_payment_rental           |
.. trimmed for brevity ..

Index and Table Maintenance

The three goals of table maintenance are:

  1. Finding and Fixing Corruption
  2. Maintaining accurate Index statistics
  3. Reducing Fragmentation

Finding and Repairing Table Corruption

Tables can be corrupted due to hardware or internal bugs.

Corrupted indexes can return incorrect results on queries, or raise duplicate-key errors when there is no duplicated value.

CHECK TABLE can try to guess if the table is corrupt.

As well, REPAIR TABLE can work, or an ALTER TABLE table ENGINE=INNODB to reload the table with the current engine.

As well, you could dump the data and reload it.

Updating Index Statistics

The storage engine provides the optimizer with fuzzy data about the number of rows a query might examine. The optimizer uses this data (Index Statistics) to make guesses and generate a query plan. This data can be out of sync if lots of updates have been made to a table. If so, you can ANALYZE TABLE to regenerate the statistics.

Reducing Index and Data Fragmentation

B-Trees can become fragmented. To defragment data, run OPTIMIZE TABLE, or dump and reload the table. As well, you can ALTER TABLE table ENGINE=INNODB as well.

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