Query Performance Optimization

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Query Performance Optimization

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Why are Queries Slow?

Queries can be slow in many ways:

  1. CPU usage
  2. Statistics
  3. Locking
  4. Fetching Data

Let’s start optimizing queries looking at that:

Slow Query Basics: Optimize Data Access

The most fundamental way a query can be slow is if it analyzes too much data. To fix that:

  1. Find out whether your application is retrieving too much data (either too many rows or columns)
  2. Find out if MySQL is looking at too many rows.

Are You Asking the Database for Data You Don’t Need?

Here’s a few typical mistakes

  1. Fetching more rows than needed.

The most common mistake: MySQL data fetching is not lazy. It fetches all the data requested in the query, thus, if you ask for 100 rows but only use 10, consider only querying for 10 rows.

  1. Fetching all columns from a multitable join

Instead of fetching all columns on a multitable join like this:

SELECT * FROM sakila.actor
INNER JOIN sakila.film_actor USING(actor_id)
INNER JOIN sakila.film USING(film_id)
WHERE sakila.film.title = 'Academy Dinosaur';

Instead, write this, which only fetches data from sakila.actor.

SELECT sakila.actor.* FROM sakila.actor...;
  1. Fetching all columns

SELECT * should raise alarm bells. It’s very rare that you need all columns on a table, and is mainly wasteful.

  1. Fetching the same data repeatedly

If you’re not careful, an application might fetch the same infrequently changing data. Instead of doing this, cache it on the application side.

Is MySQL Examining too much Data?

After only fetching the data required, we can optimize the data while generating results.

MySQL has a set of query cost metrics:

  1. Response Time
  2. Number of rows examined
  3. Number of rows returned

Response Time

Response time is divided into two parts: Service Time and Queue Time. Queue time is the time waiting, and service time is the time mysql spent to execute the query.

Calculate a QUBE (quick upper-bound estimate) of query response time given the queries here to figure out if the query can run any faster.

Rows examined and rows returned

You should examine somewhere in the ballpark of the rows you want to return per query. While it’s impossible to have a 1:1 ratio of these, strive for 1:1 - 10:1. If you’re looking at hundreds of rows and only returning one, it’s time to optimize the query, either by indexing or arranging the table data in a better fashion.

Rows examined and access types

You should have an idea of the types of accesses which are illustrated by EXPLAIN.

Here are some examples, in order of fastest access type to slowest.

  1. const The table has at most one matching row.
  2. eq_ref One row is read from this table for each combination of rows from the previous table. eq_ref can be used for indexed columns that are compared using the = operator, and are UNIQUE and NOT NULL indexes.
  3. ref All rows with matching index values are read from this table for each combination of rows from the previous tables. ref is used if the join uses the leftmost prefix of the key, or the key is not UNIQUE in some fashion. This is good if there are only a few matching rows.
  4. fulltext This uses a fulltext index
  5. ref_or_null The join type of ref, but with NULLS included.
  6. Index Merge A few indexes are used in tandem to index the result of this query.
  7. Unique Subquery for queries of the form value IN (SELECT primary_key FROM single_table WHERE some_expr) that are unique, this replaces the subquery for efficiency.
  8. Index Subquery Like Unique Subquery, but replaces subqueries that are nonunique.
  9. Range Only rows that are in a given range are retrieved, using an index. Range can be used with =, <>, >, >=, <, <=, IS NULL, <=>, BETWEEN, LIKE, IN().
  10. Index This scans the entire index tree.
  11. All A full table scan for each combination of rows from the previous tables is done.

Take this query for example:

SELECT * FROM sakilafilm_actor WHERE film_id = 1;
mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM sakila.film_actor WHERE film_id = 1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: film_actor
 partitions: NULL
 type: ref
 possible_keys: idx_fk_film_id
 key: idx_fk_film_id
 key_len: 2
 ref: const
 rows: 10
 filtered: 100.00
 Extra: NULL

Explain shows that MySQL estimated it needed to access only 10 rows, and this was a ref query, which was pretty good.

If the index is dropped:

mysql> ALTER TABLE sakila.film_actor DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_film_actor_film;
mysql> ALTER TABLE sakila.film_actor DROP KEY idx_fk_film_id;
mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM sakila.film_actor WHERE film_id = 1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: film_actor
 partitions: NULL
 type: ALL
 possible_keys: NULL
 key: NULL
 key_len: NULL
 ref: NULL
 rows: 5462
 filtered: 10.00
 Extra: Using where
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

MySQL scans 5462 rows, and has to scan all rows to satisfy this query.

MySQL can apply a where clause in three ways, from best to worst:

  1. Apply the condition to the index lookup operation
  2. Use a covering index
  3. Retrieve all rows then filter out nonmatching rows

However, not all queries can be indexed this easily, and COUNTs are a good example of that:

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT actor_id, COUNT(*)
    -> FROM sakila.film_actor GROUP BY actor_id\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: film_actor
 partitions: NULL
 type: index
 possible_keys: PRIMARY
 key_len: 4
 ref: NULL
 rows: 5462
 filtered: 100.00
 Extra: Using index

Ways to Restructure Queries

Sometimes you can transform queries into equivalent forms to get better performance while scanning less data.

Complex Queries Versus Many Queries

Historically it was better to have complex queries instead of simpler ones due to network overhead, but these days that’s not true. Most of the time simpler queries will suffice.

Chopping Up a Query

Instead of trying to scan a large segment of data and delete it like this query:

DELETE FROM messages

You can try and process fewer rows at a time:

rows_affected = 0
do {
 rows_affected = do_query(
 LIMIT 10000")
} while rows_affected > 0

Join Decomposition

While JOINs are the preferred way of accessing data:

JOIN tag_post ON tag_post.tag_id=tag.id
JOIN post ON tag_post.post_id=post.id
WHERE tag.tag='mysql';

This might be faster, even though you have to scan more lines.

SELECT * FROM tag WHERE tag='mysql';
SELECT * FROM tag_post WHERE tag_id=1234;
SELECT * FROM post WHERE post.id in (123,456,567,9098,8904);

Query Execution Basics

Remember how MySQL interprets queries:

  1. The server parses the SQL statement
  2. The server turns that into a query execution plan
  3. The query execution engine executes the plan
  4. The server sends the result to the client

The MySQL Client/Server Protocol

The MySQL client/server protocol is half-duplex, which means it can be sending or receiving messages, but not both.

This makes it so messages cannot be canceled, and is like grabbing a lock: if the client makes a request, it must read to the end of the server’s message before responding.

Query States

Each MySQL connection or thread has a state that shows what it is doing at any given time.

These can be queried by the SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST command.

  1. Sleep The thread is waiting for a query
  2. Query The thread is executing the query or sending the result back to the client
  3. Locked The thread is waiting for a table lock. Row locks do not cause the thread to enter the Locked state.
  4. Analyzing and statistics The thread is checking storage engine statistics and optimizing the query.
  5. Copying to tmp table [on disk] The thread is processing the query and copying results to a temporary table. If the state ends with on disk, MySQL is converting an in-memory table to an on-disk table.
  6. Sorting result The thread is sorting a result set.

The Query Optimization Process

There are many steps that might be combined, but lets look at these one by one:

The Parser and the Preprocessor

MySQL’s parser breaks the query into tokens and builds a parse tree from them. It also ensures that the tokens in the query are valid and in the proper order.

Afterwards, the preprocessor checks to make sure the referenced tables and columns exist, and that column references aren’t ambiguous.

Finally, it checks privileges to make sure the user can access the data it’s querying for.

The Query Optimizer

Once the parse tree is valid, the optimizer tries to find the best query execution plan to execute.

MySQL uses a cost-based optimizer, which used to have a unit of cost of a random 4KB data page read, referring to statistics.

You can query the last statement executed’s cost like so:

mysql> SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(*) FROM sakila.film_actor;
| count(*) |
|     5462 |

mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Last_query_cost';
| Variable_name   | Value       |
| Last_query_cost | 1040.599000 |

This query means the optimizer guesses that it will make 1040 random page reads to execute the query, based on statistics.

The optimizer might not always choose the best plan because:

  1. Statistics could be inaccurate. The storage engine could have outdated statistics.
  2. The cost metric is not equivalent, because MySQL assumes that each page read is random and on-disk. The reads could be sequential (in this case, they probably are) and the pages could be cached in memory if the query was recently run.
  3. MySQL wants the fewest page reads, while you probably want the shortest query execution time. These can be different.
  4. MySQL doesn’t always do cost-based optimization. For example, for a full text operation like MATCH(), it’ll always use a FULLTEXT index.
  5. The optimizer doesn’t take into account the cost of operations like stored functions or user-defined functions.
  6. The optimizer doesn’t estimate every possible execution plan, so it might miss an optimal plan.

MySQL can execute static or dynamic optimizations:

Static optimizations involve transforming queries to other ones using algebraic query rules.

Dynamic optimizations happen at runtime, and include:

  1. Reordering Joins Tables don’t have to be joined in the order specified in the query. The Optimizer might reorder these for better performance.
  2. Converting OUTER JOINs to INNER JOINs INNER JOINs are cheaper than OUTER JOINs and in some cases they might be reordered for performance.
  3. Applying algebraic equivalence rules This does constant optimizations, like changing 5 = 5 and a > 5 to just a > 5.
  4. COUNT(), MIN(), MAX() optimizations These operations can be optimized away by NULL conditions and indexes (the min is the leftmost item on a B-TREE index) and (the max is the rightmost). This wlll be noted in the Select tables optimized away in the EXPLAIN plan.`
  5. Evaluating and Reducing constant expressions If MySQL can reduce an expression to a constant, it will. A MIN() can be reduced to a primary key lookup on an index. Or if a WHERE is evaluated once, it can be set to a constant for other parts of the query.
  6. Covering Indexes MySQL can use an index to avoid reading rows when the index has a ll the columns a query needs.
  7. Subquery Optimization MySQL can convert subqueries into more efficient alternative forms.
  8. Early Termination MySQL can stop processing a query or a step in a query as soon as it fulfills a query or step, like for LIMIT queries. As well, it can abort if it finds an impossible condition, like comparing a negative number with an unsigned primary key.
  9. Equality Propagation MySQL recognizes when a query holds two equal columns and then propagates WHERE clauses across equivalent columns.
  10. IN() list comparisons In MySQL, values in a IN() are sorted and then binary searched for lookup. This makes checking for items in an IN() faster.

Table and Index Statistics

The MySQL query optimizer has to ask engines for statistics on the tables in query: The optimizer uses this information to generate execution plans.

MySQL’s join execution strategy

MySQL used to use a Nested loop join strategy for joins: It would loop through the first table, finding all matching rows, then process the next join by using the matching rows from the previous query, continuing on. In MySQL 8.0.20, MySQL started using hash joins instead for speed.

The execution plan

MySQL doesn’t generate bytecode to execute a query, instead, it creates a generated tree. The final plan contains enough information to reconstruct the original query. You can see this by running EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE before your statement, or EXPLAIN EXTENDED followed by SHOW WARNINGS.

The join optimizer

It is often possible to join the tables in several different orders and get the same results.

Take this query:

SELECT film.film_id, film.title, film.release_year, actor.actor_id,
actor.first_name, actor.last_name
FROM sakila.film
INNER JOIN sakila.film_actor USING(film_id)
INNER JOIN sakila.actor USING(actor_id);

This query joins from film -> film_actor -> actor. If we explain the query though, it goes in reverse, actor -> film_actor -> film.

*************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: actor
 partitions: NULL
 type: ALL
 possible_keys: PRIMARY
 key: NULL
 key_len: NULL
 ref: NULL
 rows: 200
 filtered: 100.00
 Extra: NULL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: film_actor
 partitions: NULL
 type: ref
 possible_keys: PRIMARY,idx_fk_film_id
 key_len: 2
 ref: sakila.actor.actor_id
 rows: 27
 filtered: 100.00
 Extra: Using index
*************************** 3. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: film
 partitions: NULL
 type: eq_ref
 possible_keys: PRIMARY
 key_len: 2
 ref: sakila.film_actor.film_id
 rows: 1
 filtered: 100.00
 Extra: NULL

Let’s see what would happen if we forced MySQL to use our optimization with the STRAIGHT_JOIN keyword:

ysql> EXPLAIN SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN film.film_id...\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: film
 partitions: NULL
 type: ALL
 possible_keys: PRIMARY
 key: NULL
 key_len: NULL
 ref: NULL
 rows: 1000
 filtered: 100.00
 Extra: NULL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: film_actor
 partitions: NULL
 type: ref
 possible_keys: PRIMARY,idx_fk_film_id
 key: idx_fk_film_id
 key_len: 2
 ref: sakila.film.film_id
 rows: 5
 filtered: 100.00
 Extra: Using index
*************************** 3. row ***************************
 id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
 table: actor
 partitions: NULL
 type: eq_ref
 possible_keys: PRIMARY
 key_len: 2
 ref: sakila.film_actor.actor_id
 rows: 1
 filtered: 100.00
 Extra: NULL

The previous query plan would’ve looked at fewer rows in the first table, (200 vs 1000) having a lower cost for later queries.

Unfortunately, a join over n tables costs you O(n!) operations, so MySQL uses greedy search to try to find the best query.

Also note that some queries can’t be reordered, which lowers the amount of optimizations MySQL needs to look for.

Sort optimizations

If MySQL can’t use an index to produce a sorted result, it must sort the rows itself. If done in memory, it does quicksort, otherwise it does an on disk mergesort.

Previously, MySQL used to use a two pass algorithm for reading row pointers, but nowadays it does a single pass algorithm for the same.

Filesorts take a long time and use a lot of space on disk, which can be problematic.

The Query Execution Engine

The Query execution stage isn’t that complex: MySQL follows the instructions in the query execution plan. Think of it like assembly, where the storage engines have to implement only a few instructions, and can generate much more instructions off those building blocks.

Returning Results to the Client

Finally, the server generates and sends results incrementally to the client in chunks. Each row is sent in a separate packer in the MySQL client/server protocol, and buffered at the TCP protocol layer.

Limitations of the MySQL Query Optimizer

Given all these optimizations, there are a few limitations:

Union Limitations

MySQL sometimes can’t push down conditions from outside a UNION to the inside, where they can enable better results.

Take this query, which should only need to store 20 rows from both tables (but it doesn’t, it stores all the rows in each subquery).

(SELECT first_name, last_name
 FROM sakila.actor
 ORDER BY last_name)
(SELECT first_name, last_name
 FROM sakila.customer
 ORDER BY last_name)

This can be fixed by redundantly adding a LIMIT 20 to both clauses:

(SELECT first_name, last_name
 FROM sakila.actor
 ORDER BY last_name
 LIMIT 20)
(SELECT first_name, last_name
 FROM sakila.customer
 ORDER BY last_name
 LIMIT 20)

Now the temporary tables will only contain 40 rows, but they aren’t ordered. Add an Order By in both tables for consistent results.

Equality Propagation

The optimizer can also miss equality propagation: For a huge IN() on a column, the optimizer will share the list by copying it to the corresponding columns. This can slow optimization and execution.

Parallel Execution

MySQL can’t execute a single query in parallel.

SELECT and UPDATE on the Same Table

MySQL doesn’t let you SELECT from a table, while running an UPDATE on it.

mysql> UPDATE tbl AS outer_tbl
    -> SET c = (
    -> SELECT count(*) FROM tbl AS inner_tbl
    -> WHERE inner_tbl.type = outer_tbl.type
    -> );
ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'outer_tbl'
for update in FROM clause

To work around this, you can use a derived table, because MySQL materializes it as a temporary table.

mysql> UPDATE tbl
    -> INNER JOIN(
    -> SELECT type, count(*) AS c
    -> FROM tbl
    -> GROUP BY type
    -> ) AS der USING(type)
    -> SET tbl.c = der.c;

Optimizing Specific Types of Queries

The below are some common queries to optimize:

Optimizing COUNT() queries

The COUNT() aggregate function is extremely misunderstood and the source of many woes.

What COUNT() does

COUNT() is a special function that counts values and rows. If a column name or other expression is specified, COUNT() counts how many times that expression has a value.

Otherwise, COUNT() counts the number of rows in the result. COUNT(*) is a special form of COUNT() which just counts the number of rows.

Simple Optimizations

You can use COUNT to count multiple values at the same time:

SELECT COUNT(color = 'blue' OR NULL) AS blue, COUNT(color = 'red' OR NULL)
AS red FROM items;

Using an Approximation

If you don’t need an accurate count, you can use an approximation: This can be done by querying the EXPLAIN query instead of the real query.

More complex optimizations

There are other optimizations for COUNT(*), like using caching memcached or a covering index.

Optimizing JOIN queries

To Optimize JOINs:

  1. Make sure there are indexes on the columns in ON or USING clauses. In general, indexes only need to be added on the second table in the join order.
  2. Try to ensure that GROUP BY or ORDER BY refers only to columns from a single table, so MYSQL can try to use an index for that operation.
  3. Be careful upgrading MySQL, because this can invalidate JOIN syntax.

Optimizing GROUP BY with ROLLUP

GROUP BYs that do a lot of aggregation can be optimized by WITH ROLLUP.

Optimizing LIMIT and OFFSET

Queries with LIMITs and OFFSETs are common in systems that use pagination. This needs to be indexed, otherwise performance will be very poor.

A common problem is having a high value for the offset:

For a query that has LIMIT 10000, 20 (LIMIT 10000, OFFSET 20), it generates 10,020 rows and throws away 10000 of them. This is very expensive.

To optimize this, do the offset on a covering index, instead of the full rows.

A deferred join can be used to optimize this:

SELECT film.film_id, film.description
FROM sakila.film
SELECT film_id FROM sakila.film
ORDER BY title LIMIT 50, 5
) AS lim USING(film_id);

Otherwise, cursor pagination can be done to query for fewer rows:

To grab the first page:

SELECT * FROM sakila.rental
ORDER BY rental_id DESC LIMIT 20

To grab any further rows:

SELECT * FROM sakila.rental
WHERE rental_id < 16030
ORDER BY rental_id DESC LIMIT 20;


SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS is used to see if there would be a next page of results. Instead of doing that, which generates all the rows it would’ve found, we can use EXPLAIN to find out the length of the result set.

Optimizing UNION

MySQL always executes UNION queries by creating a temporary table and then moving on with the rest of the query. Try to use UNION ALL unless you need to server to eliminate duplicate rows. UNION ALL doesn’t eliminate the temporary table, but it doesn’t do a DISTINCT count.

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