Monitoring in a Reliability Engineering World

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Monitoring in a Reliability Engineering World

Prev: mysql-architecture Next: performance-schema

SRE’s, popularized by Google, now lets teams think about operational work in a different light:

  1. Are we providing an acceptable customer experience?
  2. Should we focus on reliability and resilience work?
  3. How do we balance new features against toil?

SRE metrics include the following:

  1. Service Level Indicators (SLI): How do I measure whether my customers are happy?
  2. Service Level Objective (SLO): What is the minimum I can allow my SLI to be to ensure that my customers are happy?
  3. Service Level Agreement (SLA): What SLO am I willing ot agree to that has consequences?

After this, we can select an SLI/SLO/SLA to meet our customers with, and monitor those.

Monitoring Availability

Talking about availability for an online store, what features are nonnegotiable and what are nice to have:

What features being down are catastrophic?

What is the shortest possible mean time to recovery (MTTR) we can promise?

Monitoring Errors

Lock wait timeouts can be a sign of escalating row-lock contention, and can signal downtime later on:

Aborted connections can be an indicator of lots of client-side retries, which consumes resources.

Proactive monitoring

Steady state monitoring (monitoring for differences from the normal state) lets us know if something unexpected is happening to the system.

Disk growth

  • Taking up too much space on disk can lead to disk space errors and degraded performance. Try to monitor the growth of disk space on instances.

Connection growth

  • MySQL can handle a finite pool of connections, which is set by configuring max_connections. If this grows above 100, you can use pt-kill to kill stray connections.

Replication Lag

If an application is replicating too slowly, it can point to too many writes being handled by the system, and necessitate an architectural improvement.

I/O Utilization

If you find that I/O utilization is high, or close to 100%, it can indicate inefficient queries, like full table scans or not hitting enough indexes.

Auto-increment space

Primary Keys in MySQL are signed integers, and can quickly run out of space. Be careful about this, maybe using BigInt types?

Backup creation/restore time

Make sure to utilize backups for recovery purposes, and maybe consider only backing up business critical parts of your database.

Percentiles are your friend: Don’t use average, use medians for SLIs!

Prev: mysql-architecture Next: performance-schema