Sync With Android

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Sync With Android

To sync your phone with android, you might want to do something like this:

scp -P 2222 (find $DIR_TO_SYNC/**/*.pdf -type f) "$IP_ADDRESS:/home/Documents"

The problem is, scp will always try to copy all files over. Obviously that's not great if you have a lot of files.

You can try to sync only files updated in the last 7 days, but this isn't exactly correct:

scp -P 2222 (find $DIR_TO_SYNC/**/*.pdf -type f -mtime -7) "$IP_ADDRESS:/home/Documents"

You'd like to use rsync.

You can provide the command to execute with the -e flag:

rsync -rvz -e 'ssh -p 2222' --exclude-from="$HOME/.androidignore" --progress ~/$LOCAL_DIR "$IP_ADDRESS:/$LOCATION"

And now, files will be diffed properly.