Concurrent Tries with Efficient Nonblocking Snapshots

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Concurrent Tries with Efficient Nonblocking Snapshots

This paper introduces a non-blocking concurrent hash trie that has efficient lock-free snapshot operations, consistent iterators, and linearizable size retrieval. The only requirement is that this hash trie requires a compare-and-swap instruction, (CAS) and is mainly blocked on how fast that is done.


Most concurrent collections don’t have linearizable snapshot – this requires grabbing a lock on the entire data-structure, traversing it, and taking a snapshot of it. As well, the size() operation isn’t consistent, either requiring a lock for consistency (in exchange for lower performance) or giving up accuracy (for more performance).

This requires a CAS instruction to create a GCAS procedure: This takes 3 parameters, an I-node in, with two main nodes old and n. Each I-node contains an immutable field for its generation, and allows linearizability.

All operations have a worst-case complexity of O(log n), with snapshot being an amortized O(1) complexity, linearizable lock-free size, iterator, and clear operations.