A Market Maker is a company that provides liquidity to the market, by buying an asset when there is an offer to sell an asset for a certain amount below the asset’s real worth, and selling an asset when there is an offer to buy an asset for a certain amount above the asset’s real worth.
For example, let’s say AAPL is selling for $100, and we will buy any AAPL sold for $99, and will sell AAPL to any buyer willing to buy AAPL for more than $101.
Design an algorithm for a market maker, and design a system to scale it properly.
Write some code to create an algorithm that would maximize the amount of money, assuming that nobody else buys and sells.
What happens if this becomes an n-sided market, where there are many market makers? How does this change the problem?
Assume you have a limited amount of capital, which you don’t want to expend all at once (since there’s volatility in asset prices, which may go up +-10% a day), and there might be a larger amount of sell offers than buy offers, for a particular asset. What happens if a stock goes up too much, or down too much in a given day?
Design a system that listens to a server that sends requests, records them to a database, and executes or passes on each offer, based on if it is being sold for a 1% discount or if someone is willing to buy at a 1% premium. # Market Maker
Write some code to create an algorithm that would maximize the amount of money, assuming that nobody else buys and sells.
some pseudocode:
for order in orders:
= lookup_asset_price(order[asset])
curr_asset_price if order[buy] and order[price] >= curr_asset_price * 1.01:
execute_sell_order(order)elif order[sell] and order[price] <= curr_asset_price * .99:
What happens if this becomes an n-sided market, where there are many market makers? How does this change the problem?
If this becomes a n-sided problem, speed matters quite a lot – if you wait, someone else will snatch up the trade. Also, with more competition, the spread between bid and ask might have to tighten, but if there’s less competition, the bid and ask spread can widen. You can code up an algorithm that adjusts automatically to market volume in this case.
Assume you have a limited amount of capital, which you don’t want to expend all at once (since there’s volatility in asset prices, which may go up +-10% a day), and there might be a larger amount of sell offers than buy offers, for a particular asset. What happens if a stock goes up too much, or down too much in a given day?
If a stock goes up too much or too little in a given day, as a market maker, you’d like to avoid the stock (since volatility decreases money earned). You might try to calculate volatility and avoid volatile assets.
Design a system that listens to a server that sends requests, records them to a database, and executes or passes on each offer, based on if it is being sold for a 1% discount or if someone is willing to buy at a 1% premium.
First, let’s ask about durability guarantees. Since we’re a taxable financial entity, for tax purposes, we’ll need to persist every executed order to stable storage, like a database.
We can imagine that we would receive a potential offer, do some logic to check if we’d like to execute, and if so, send an execute back to the server. The server will then respond back to us with a response that tells us whether or not we were fast enough. If we were, we can record the result in the database. The database schema might look like this:
create table transactions (
asset_id NOT NULL,
action ENUM { BUY | SELL } );
The database doesn’t need to be particularly fast, but it’s beneficial to be async (so we don’t block the main thread). This would also be write-only, so we can disable indexes and optimize for writes. We also care a lot about durability, so we could have a cluster of nodes taken care of by zookeeper, so writes are replicated.
To execute orders that are properly profitable for us, we also need to keep the correct price. Let’s assume that there is some other service we can make RPC calls to that follows this interface:
GET /{ticker}
// returns the current price of the asset, time, and asset.
"price": 100.00,
"time": 1646358424,
"ticker": AAPL
We want to make sure we don’t have stale data on the current price set by the market, because if we do, we might buy or sell the asset at a wrong price, losing us money. So we need to find a way to efficiently be able to query and update our prices.
To do this, let’s also assume we have an RPC endpoint that we can query for all tickers we are going to buy or sell for the day.
GET /all
// returns the assets to buy and sell.
On startup, we will query this endpoint, and make two copies of a
hashmap, where all of the keys are the tickers. In the first hashmap, it
will look like { Ticker -Datetime }
, where this hashmap
displays the time a particular ticker had its time last fetched.
For the second hashmap, it will look like
{ Ticker -Price }
. We’ll want a HashMap type that scales
well with updates, since we won’t insert at all into this hashmap, but
will read and update. To do this, we’ll want to use an architecture with
atomic swaps available, and lay out our hashmap almost alphabetically,
so we can index in quickly, and quickly update values. Something like a
RwLock<HashMap<K, Mutex<V>>>
to allow for
We’ll also need to handle some logic for when we should update the asset – if the asset has high trading, we should update its price more often. If we notice that we are losing many offers, i.e. we are slow/there is much contention for offers, we might lower our spread in order to get contracts that are less lucrative, but still help our bottom line.
If there is a particular asset that is extremely volatile, we may choose to denylist it, since our strategy of money making is poor when it comes to volatile assets.
Assuming we have 5000 tickers we care about, and there are 100 offers every second, we need to be able to handle 500k read requests per second, parse them, and choose whether or not to execute them.
We might choose to accept 1% of those offers, and win 10% of those, so we can assume that our write throughput to our database would be close to 500 requests per second, which should be pretty easy, given that we are also appending only.
To scale reading and executing, we might decide to scale horizontally, since our “execution” layer looks kind of stateless. But unfortunately, it’s not – it needs to query for asset prices in the background, and we want to prioritize speed in decisions. Also, there is some overhead in maintaining these hashmaps (5000 * 5B per ticker + 4B per price).
We’ll have to buy some beefier machines, and try to scale that way, instead of doing a purely stateless approach.
All writes to the database must be asynchronous, so they don’t block the main thread, because this would mean slower response times on offers, which would lose us money. To feel better about this, we may choose to also allocate each node a set amount of ids, which they can use to generate UUIDs to send to a queue for processing. We could have each node keep a cache of writes that it previously sent to the queue, and using the id for idempotency on the queue, so we can send a message multiple times, but the query would be rejected if the id was already processed by the queue.
We would have to think more about calculating volatility, but one way of doing so might be using another service, which would calculate the volatility of assets by marking their price spread over rolling 5-10m averages, and pub-subbing to the nodes any volatile assets which are meant to be sold off. At that time, each node would only sell the particular asset it holds, and may choose to lower its spread, so as to get rid of the volatile asset quickly before it holds onto a price that the market has moved past from.