Table of Contents


We want to count how many distinct filenames were created in the past 24 hours, but the collection is too big to fit in memory, or a single server.

In exchange, hyperloglog is approximate.

The probability that a random string of bits has K leading zeroes is 1 / 2 ^ K.

  1. Counting leading zeroes works on random numbers, not arbitrary input.
  1. The distribution of leading zeroes is affected by duplication
  1. Estimation can have huge error.

The algorithm divides the stream of elements into m independent buckets and calculates the HLL by calculating the harmonic mean of the buckets.

Hyperloglog improves this by throwing out the top 30% of the buckets with the highest values, as this decreases error from 1.3/sqrt(m) to 1.05/sqrt(m). Also, the harmonic mean decreases this error to 1.04/sqrt(m).