Sorting + Aggregations

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Sorting + Aggregations

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We need sorting because in the relational model, tuples have no specific ordering. Thus, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, JOIN, and DISTINCT operators can all sort.

Sorting can be accelerated using a clustered B+ Tree.

If the data fits in-memory, sorting can be done with a normal in-memory algorithm, but it might spill to disk, requiring an external sorting algorithm.

External Merge Sort

External Merge sort splits the data set into separate runs and then sorts them individually.

  1. Sorting: sort small chunks of data that fit in main memory, then write back to disk.
  2. Merge: Combine sorted sub-files into a larger single file.

Two-way Merge Sort 1. Pass 0: Read every \(B\) pages of the table into memory, sorts them, and writes them back to disk. 2. Pass 1..N: Recursively merges pairs of runs into runs twice as long.

Number of passes: \(\log{2}N\) Total I/O Cost: \(2N * (# of passes)\)

General \(K\)-way Merge Sort 1. Pass 0: Use \(B\) buffer pages, produce \(N/B\) sorted runs of size \(B\). 2. Pass 1..N: Recursively merge \(B - 1\) runs.

Number of passes: \(\log{B-1}\frac{N}{B}\) Total I/O Cost: \(2N * (# of passes)\)


An aggregation operator in a query plan collapses one or more tuples into a single scalar value.

Sorting: The DBMS sorts the tuples, either using an in-memory algorithm or external algorithm. The DBMS then sequentially scans the sorted data to compute the aggregation.

Hashing: Hashing can be cheaper than computing aggregations. The DBMS can populate an in-memory hash table as it scans the table, making the aggregation on the fly.

For data that is too large to fit in memory, the DBMS can create a hash table on disk:

  1. Partition: use a hash function \(h_1\) to split tuples into partitions on disk based on target hash key.
  2. Rehash: For each partition on disk, read its pages into memory and build an in-memory hash table with a second hash function \(h_2\) where \(h_1 \neq h_2\). Then stitch together the aggregation.

Prev: index-concurrency-control Next: joins-algorithms