
Table of Contents

And Https

Security and HTTPS


HTTP is what the internet runs on.

HTTP is unencrypted, which allows people to intercept packets and read them. This is a Man in the middle attack (MITM).

Symmetric Encryption

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Asymmetric Encryption


int x = 61, int y = 53;
int n = x * y;
// n = 3233.

// compute the totient, phi
int phi = (x-1)*(y-1);
// phi = 3120.

int e = findCoprime(phi);
// find an 'e' which is > 1 and is a co-prime of phi.
// e = 17 satisfies the current values.

// Using the extended euclidean algorithm, find 'd' which satisfies
// this equation:
d = (1 mod (phi))/e;
// d = 2753 for the example values.

public_key = (e=17, n=3233);
private_key = (d=2753, n=3233);

// Given the plaintext P=123, the ciphertext C is :
C = (123^17) % 3233 = 855;
// To decrypt the cypher text C:
P = (855^2753) % 3233 = 123;


SSL Certificate

TLS Handshake

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