Imagine a situation where we might want our database to connect to a third party service (stripe, plaid, youtube, Google Analytics, etc.)
That would look like this:
Third Party Service Database
[ ]<-------->[ Master ]
Third Party Service Your Service Database
[ ]<-------->[ Leader ]<------->[ ]
Third Party Service Your Service Database
[ ]<-------->[ Leader ]<------->[ ]
[ ]<-------->[ Leader ]<------->[ ]
[ ]<-------->[ Leader ]<------->[ ]
[ ]<-------->[ Leader ]<------->[ ]
[ ]<-------->[ Leader ]<------->[ ]
But now, we want every operation to only occur once.
We can't charge a person twice for the same invoice.
Leader Election has a server elect one of the servers as a
, which is the only server that connects to the
Third Party Service Your Service Database
[ ]<-------->[ Leader ]<------->[ ]
[ ]--------->[ Follower ]<------->[ ]
[ ]--------->[ Follower ]<------->[ ]
[ ]--------->[ Follower ]<------->[ ]
Now, all writes to the leader have to propogate to the followers in case of failure, and when the leader dies, then the followers have to relect a new leader.
Consensus building (Leader Election) is actually quite hard.
It's hard to share some state.
We need a Consensus Algorithm to achieve this leader election.
Two tools that implement Leader Election:
Etcd is a key-value store that is highly available and strongly consistent.
Have Etcd use a key value that has a leader
key set
to a value of the leader server.
Then, all the servers are strongly consistent and synced to a leader.
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