Prev: mechanism-limited-direct-execution Next: scheduling-the-multi-level-feedback-queue
This chapter is devoted to presenting a series of scheduling policies for efficient execution of OS processes.
Before getting started, lets make 5 unrealistic assumptions to simplify our workload:
We need metrics to compare different policies. Let’s start with
turnaround time, which is defined as
T(turnaround) = T(completion) - T(arrival)
We want to optimize for efficiency (the CPU is idle as little as possible) and fairness (each process gets equal time to make progress).
Let’s say 3 jobs (A, B, C) which each run for 10 seconds are processed in that order. What is the average turnaround time?
10 + 20 + 30 / 3 = 20
Let’s relax the assumption that all jobs run for the same amount of time:
Now lets say that A runs for 100 seconds, and B and C run for 10 seconds.
The average turnaround time becomes:
100 + 110 + 120 / 3 = 110
This is called the convoy effect, because short jobs are blocked by a long running job.
Think about what happens if we process (B, C) then (A).
The average turnaround time becomes:
10 + 20 + 120 / 3 = 50
This is actually optimal for any workload. But we need to know how long a job will run for, and they have to arrive at the same time, which is unrealistic.
Now lets relax assumption 3. The OS can now preempt (stop) processes and run another task. Assume we have (A, B, C) which run for (100, 10, 10) seconds. If A arrives first, then B and C, as soon as B and C arrive, the scheduler can run B and C and then finish with A.
This results in an optimal turnaround time:
(120) + (20 - 10) + (30 - 10) / 3 = 50
If we only knew job lengths, and jobs only used the CPU, and our only metric was turnaround time, STCF would be the best policy.
However, we run on computers that don’t just run batch jobs. We want jobs to respond to us quickly.
In that case, Shortest Job first is abysmal, since job C has to wait 20 seconds before it runs.
To solve this problem, Round Robin scheduling is introduced, where a job is run for a time slice, and then switches to the next job in the run queue.
Assume that (A, B, C) each take 5 seconds, and arrive at the same time.
In SJF, the average response time is 0 + 5 + 10 / 3 = 5
whereas in round robin, with a time-slice of 1 second would be
0 + 1 + 2 / 3 = 1
Assuming that context switching has an overhead, we need to tune the amount of time that each job runs before swapping, amortizing the cost can reduce the time complexity.
In turnaround time, though, RR is the worst, since it finishes jobs at (13, 14, 15) instead of (5, 10, 15) like SJF/STCF.
The fairest algorithm is now the least efficient in terms of turnaround time.
With the requirement of no I/O being relaxed, we now have a choice. Assume every I/O operation takes 10ms, and the CPU is blocked waiting for I/O completion.
Imagine there are two kinds of jobs, A (which runs for 10ms, then issues a 10ms blocking I/O request) and B, which just runs for 50ms.
In the case that you run A and then wait for the I/O request, it takes 20ms. But if you can overlap B while running A, then A realistically only takes 10ms.
Lets remove the assumption that we can know a priori the execution time of any job. Now we have to exclude SJF and STCF, which only leaves us with RR. What can we do?
Prev: mechanism-limited-direct-execution Next: scheduling-the-multi-level-feedback-queue