This paper outlines LZ77 and LZ78 compression, which is the basis of many compression algorithms, such as GIF, DEFLATE, PNG and ZIP.
LZ77 achieves compression by replacing repeated occurrences of data with references to a single copy of that data existing earlier in the uncompressed data stream. A match has a pair of numbers, with a length - distance pair. The psuedo-code would look like this:
while input is not empty do
match := longest repeated occurrence of input that begins in window
if match exists then
d := distance to start of match
l := length of match
c := char following match in input
d := 0
l := 0
c := first char of input
end if
output (d, l, c)
discard l + 1 chars from front of window
s := pop l + 1 chars from front of input
append s to back of window