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How does one sample \(k\) uniform random elements from a datastream where \(N \gg k\), and:
Resrvoir sampling works like this:
With a number \(k\) and a datastream \(x_1, x_2,\dots,x_n\) with a length greater than \(k\):
At any time \(t \geq k\), the reservoir, R, consists of a uniformly random subset of \(k\) of the entries \(x_1,\dots,x_t\). This can be proven if \(t \geq i\), \(Pr[x_i \in R] = \vert\frac{k}{i}\vert\), and \(x_i \in R\) is independent of the contents of the reservoir at times \(t \lt i\).
Theorem 2.1 (Markov’s Inequality): For a real-valued random variable X s.t. \(X \ge 0\), for any \(c \gt 0\):
\[Pr[X \ge cE[X]] \le \vert\frac{1}{c}\vert\]
Basically, if we know the expectation of a distribution of numbers, and that is non-negative, Markov’s inequality can tell us a basic fact about the distribution.
For example, the probability that a student’s GPA is more than twice the average GPA is at most \(\vert\frac{1}{2}\vert\).
Theorem 2.2 (Chebyshev’s Inequality): For a real-valued random variable X, and any \(c > 0\):
\[Pr[|X - E[X]] \ge c \sqrt{Var[X]}] \le \vert\frac{1}{c^2}\vert\]
This is useful for:
Example 2.3: How many people must we poll to estimate the percentage of people who support candidate C, where an accuracy of \(\pm 1\%\), with a probability of at least \(\vert\frac{3}{4}\vert\)
In order to estimate the expectation of a 0/1 random variable to error \(\pm \epsilon\), we need roughly \(O(\vert\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}\vert)\) samples.
This can be used to prove “central limit” style exponential bounds on tail probabilities, like how flipping fewer than 400 heads in 1000 tosses of a fair coin is miniscule.
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