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Find matching version ranges

In android, APKs contain a manifest that contains minimum and maximum SDK versions Min and Max SDK versions are optional and inclusive. A developer can upload multiple APKs with different manifests like APK MinSDKVer MaxSDKVer A 4 inf B 1 16 C 7 10

Since we have multiple APKs per App, we need to divide the integer list of SDK versions into intervals that match the APKs. [(<=3), (4-6), (7-10), (11-16), (>=17)] # possible intervals. <=3 is only B, 4-6 is B and A but not C, etc… Use whatever sensible data structure you want to represent input and output


Imagine an input and output like this:

input = {‘A’: (4, None), ‘B’: (None, 16), ‘C’: (7, 10) } output = [(1, 3), (4, 6), (7-10), (11-16), (17, None)]

You don’t want to use an array for this, because most slots could be empty.

Instead, insert each item to a sorted set, and iterate through it with two pointers to get each range.


This will take O(n log n) time. You can also use a normal list and sort at the end, since we don’t require insertions + deletions.

Followups could be to ask if versions follow into a certain bucket - what sort version would you use in this case?